New Dog
This is the newest addition to our family! We adopted our neighbors dog. They "won" her at a golf outing. A local shelter auctions off a dog every year at the outing. Kai's dad Erik tried to win her but was outbid. Erik asked the winner if he could pay him to take the dog and the man just gave her to him. They have another big dog and having 2 big dogs in a small house was too much. They let Kai name her Sugar Train. It sounds like an adult film to me, so we're open to suggestions! She has yellowish eyes, so we thought maybe Skutt Farcas?? Noooooo, too evil. She is the sweetest dog and has taken to everything we've taught her. Lily was afraid of her for the first day and by day 2 said, Sugar, you're my best friend. Ben loves her and shouts "DAG" when he sees her. She knows to sit under his chair while he eats, so they're tight.
I had to get Ben new crocs yesterday because he'd outgrown most of his shoes. I bought some cheap Target crocs and within an hour, they were ripped. Someone asked, oh, the new dog? No, Ben. He pops off the strap with his beaver teeth and ripped it. So, essentially, we have 2 puppies. I ended up getting him real crocs and they are much thicker and holding up well against Ben. Oh, I also have been experimenting with the name Gracie. I know Flynn's have a Gracie dog, as does Oprah, but I doubt they will be running into one another at the dog park.
Here's a picture of our new pup:
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