The Washman
Soooooo, there's this strange noise going on when our 3 month old washer is on it's super fast spin cycle. The sound is like scraping metal or a nickel rattling around. Turns out that there was, in fact, a nickel rattling around in there. Matt got it out, but the noise continued. We call the Whirlpool people. A man comes out, takes out the soap dispenser and immediately finds a few princess magnets and a big red pair of play-doh scissors. The man then laughs because he's a grandpa and he can. The sound is still there, so he tells us it's too big of a job to do alone and he'll be back tomorrow. Three days and a whole run around later, we call another service. The guy and Matt take the washer apart for 2 hours, find a blasted magnet and fix it! Yeah! One week, 2 hours, 2 decent gashes on Matt's fingers, 2 repair services, the amusement of one fixit grandpa= a good chunk of money. Being able to do 6 loads of laundry in one afternoon= priceless.
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