Monday, October 18, 2010

More of Papa & Grandma

I don't have a lot of pictures from their trip because I was gone the whole time! I took advantage of the free babysitting and filled up the days with appointments and errands & stuff that is hard to do with two monkeys in tow. Papa had a birthday while they were here, so we got to celebrate with him.

They were so concerned about his wish :)

They also had to take Ben to school on his first day because I was working. Grandma was really worried because Uncle Jimmy Pizza was a wreck and had to be pried from around her neck on his first day of preschool. (Jimmy, you traumatized your mother!! so so many ways:) Ben was great though and had a great first day of school! Grandma's redemption!

Lily slept in braids and loved having "slirly hair"


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