Lily's first day of school was Tuesday. She woke up in the morning and screamed, SCHOOL!!!!!!! SCHOOL TODAY!!!!! She asked if I was staying with her, but I wasn't working mom that day. She seemed fine with it and off we went. She got to school and put her stuff in her cubby. Shoes were off within the first 2 minutes. Ben got right in there. He'd stay all day if he could. Oh, the snuggles for Cassidy and Izzy were soooooo cute. I'll have to get pictures of them up here. Also, there's a shot of her when we picked her up. She's always in different clothes, hair all over the place and usually covered in something. (If it was a good day!) When they're on the bus, they're usually driving to Disneyland or the beach. Isabella (Izzy) is the one with her hand way up. She is so sweet and Lily will talk about her all day.
Today, while Lily was at school, Ben and I went to a free Eco class to check out lizards, turtles and snakes. He was more reserved than I thought he'd be. Didn't grab at the turtle and would only touch it after I had. We went into Pottery Barn Kids and he played with the kitchen set and had a blast. He's trying to talk, but mostly sounds like Frankenstein. He points a lot and grunts or just yells in open places. Usually in big halls where people are trying to read or relax. Gotta run. Can't believe they let me type this long already!! Thank you doll house!