Thursday, October 29, 2009

A note I wrote for the WPNS November newsletter.....

Thank goodness for our children and their ability to remind us of what is important! I am always running from home, to WPNS, to home, to class, back home, to a meeting, the grocery store or whatever. My children bring joy to so many mindless tasks and stress to others. They remind me to laugh at silly things and how exciting garbage trucks really are. While at the awesome Underwood Farms field trip, I got some life knowledge from Mr. Dominc Lin. He and Alex Reis were driving the engine on the little train ride and Ben and I were in one of the back cars. (Yes, I was riding the train, what of it?!) I was choo-chooing and joking around with the kids and shouted at the engine, "we're going to catch you, here we come!" After a few taunts, Dominic yells back at me, "Lily's mom, just enjoy the ride!" I was speechless, an event that does not happen often. Somehow, that was just what I needed to hear and has stuck with me these past few weeks. So thank you for your wisdom Dominic, you little life coach! As the busy holidays approach and bring with them the inevitable stress and madness, remember to enjoy the ride!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Mr. Valentine

Mr. Valentine comes to Lily's school every year with his amazing animals. The kids get to hold the animals and just go crazy! We parents, on the other hand, are more entertained by old Mr. Valentine's crotchety antics.

A real wallaby!!

Yes, I held a tarantula. I had to set a good example for the kids!!

I love how Lily and the opossum are making the exact same face.

Ben is checking out his own marsupial pouch.

Teacher Jessica hoping for a prince :)

Before I forget

I am so behind on stories, photos, videos....but I wanted to get this down before I forget. I love Lily's interpretations of different plays on words. Last night, the kids were having their nightly snack and show before bed. I went to snuggle up with Lily in the big chair and accidentally sat on her bowl of pistachios. She laughed so hard and said, "Mom, you're freaking me out. AND you're cracking me up." I said, "Lil, you crack ME up". Then Ben promptly fell off the couch, we all laughed and Lily said, "Ben cracks everyone up."

Monday, October 26, 2009

Still Here

Sorry Folks! We're still here, but been somewhat incapacitated lately. Illness and scheduling issues have kept us away from keeping record of our history. Hoping to catch up soon!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Conversations with Lily

Tonight while playing Legos.
Lily: This is my robot and he has yellow eyes.
Cate: Yellow eyes? Is his name Scutt Farcas?
Lily: No! His name is Butt Tarcas and he goes poop on the ground!