Sooooo, this story starts in Colorado. We went there in August to have a family reunion with the McBain Clan. We stayed in cabins at the foot of the Rocky Mountain National Park. It was by far the most beautiful place I have ever been. One highlight of the trip was a visit to our cabins from a Moose. He was HUGE!! Lily told us that his name was Albert and his favorite color was black. Albert was munching away at something and it was getting to dark to see what it was before he left. In the morning, we all explored the area and found that he was eating a salt lick. It was a giant block of salt that people leave out in the woods for the moose.
So, last week, we're discussing Santa and what we'll leave for him. Lily knows he eats cookies and milk and when we asked her what the reindeer might want on Christmas Eve, you guessed it, salt licks. How does she remember this and assume that reindeer eat them because moose do?? So, Santa, when you see a pile of salt next to your cookies, I hope you understand.
Today is very rainy and we had some errands to run. While in the car, Lily was singing her own versions of holiday songs. Some of the things I heard: "Dasher, Dancer, Bixby, Bixby, Bixby, You, You, You, RuDog, Hohoho, HEY!!" "Wish you a merry Christmas, wish you a merry Christmas, and salt licks" "I wish a merry Christmas, I wish a merry Christmas, I throw the snowball through the air and run and run to get my favorite pencil ever, ever, EVER!" "Bob a tail, will be the one, cheer up be the one, Bob a tail brings candy canes" I think these are the best holiday songs I've ever heard. I'll keep trying to remember them!
Speaking of Holiday cheer, I just sent our Christmas cards out. I don't know why that is so hard for me. I had to enlist Matt's help because I just couldn't decide on a photo. Here are a couple cute ones that didn't make it:
This one would have said: Merry Christmas, get out of my face.

You'll shoot your eye out kid

We wish you a Merry Christmas and salt licks, the Siniawski's