I'm a part of a group of surf-moms. We have an email group where we can connect, get information and sometimes get together. Occasionally, we can coordinate our schedules, meet up at a beach and take turns watching kids and surfing. We were asked to be a part of a surf moms book and went up to Malibu for a photo shoot. I had a terrible surf day, but it was still fun. I had trouble because Leo Carillo is a point break and you need to take off next to a giant boulder in the water. It's also a rocky bottom, so when you do catch a wave, you see all these super sharp rocks on the bottom just waiting to rip you open, Jack Johnson style. I tore my feet to shreds and even ripped my baby toenail off. OFF! It's gone!
Sadly, I look TERRIBLE in the photos. I am terrified about which ones may end up in the book. Molly tells me that I look fine and the abnormally ripped woman surfing with me threw off the photos. Right.
I took these:

I just love these. My family is beautiful.
We stopped at the Malibu pier for lunch and ate at Ruby's on the end of the pier. Beautiful day, watching the surfers, eating lunch. A man was reeling something in for the entire time. When we finished eating, we went to check it out. It was the biggest Ray I've ever seen. I couldn't believe they didn't throw it back. It was flopping around and gasping.....for water, I guess. Just horrifying to watch. People started yelling at the guy, "you going to throw that back? Just going to let it suffer?! Kill it already!!" Horrible! It also had a bunch of babies swimming around it when he pulled it out of the water. So it was a dying mommy! There was also a small shark on someone's line. We left and I totally lied to Lily and told her they were going to throw it back.