Sunday, April 18, 2010

Future Plans

While taking a bath, I am frequently joined by a 4 year old. Then, wouldn't you know it, a very dirty 2 year old will round the corner, already disrobing. Oh well. Not like this will last very long, so I'll take it. They don't even want toys when we're having our group bath, they just want to chat. So, recently I learned that Lily wants to be 3 kinds of teacher; school, ballet and swimming. (The swimming part is new). She also wants to live in another country and teach ballet in outer space. Lily also wants to be a mom and have twins. (Like her friends Emma & Lucas). The twins will be a girl and a boy and she will name them Charlotte and Spike. "It's ok to laugh mommy, because Spike IS a funny name." (Lucas is called spike at school because of his hair). I told her that it sounds like she will be really busy. "Yes, I will be teaching and going to meetings and school." I told her that it is possible to finish school before you have kids and that it is probably a lot easier that way. She say, "No, I want to go to school when I have my babies because that's what my mommy does." DOH! *insert me burying my head here* So I tell this to a friend of mine who is a life learner like myself (as is her husband). She tells me that this is wonderful because it shows how Lily already values education. I'll take it. Thanks Regina!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Lily's song about something we can not understand

How does she not throw up while doing this?!

A normal lunch conversation

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Things we did while Matt was in Houston

Went to the farmer's market.
Lily had her own list that she wrote out. On that list:
Tempeh (delicious fake meat substance)

Passed out

Played at the park with Emma & Lucas. When I went to change Ben, his foot was covered in blood. Lily was so concerned and helpful. She held Ben's foot up while I cleaned it. Ben sat perfectly still because he was so happy that Lily was paying attention to him AND he was getting a bandaid. (turned out that a tiny chunk of skin above his toenail went missing). Then, to keep him happy while I finally changed him, Lily sat "criss cross applesauce" so he could lay on her. Such a great big sis!

How we roll....

We walked....well I walked and the kids rode to campus to hang out with Matt for a bit a few Sunday's ago. They had such a blast riding around the Alumni Mall and screaming. There was also a band playing nearby, so we went over and danced until it started to get dark. Everyone slept well that night :)

You would not believe how Ava flies that trike!

Rockin' the big wheel!

Miss Ava Sassy Pants

This is THE coolest big wheel ever. It spins out in circles when you stop, kind of like a tilt-a-whirl. Kai is so nice to share because Matt and I always want a turn on it. We need.....I mean, Ben needs one of his own.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Green River

On the day of the St. Patrick's day parade in Chicago, (Sadly, now the only St. Pat's parade since they cancelled the South Side Irish parade) I got a call from Uncle Brian. He was at his office and wanted to Skype with us. We got to look down at the Chicago river and see how the Leprechaun's dye the river green! So cool!! It was something I'd never seen before and obviously, the kids loved it. I guess the same family of plumbers has "helped" the leprechaun's for over 20 years with a special concoction they use to detect leaks. It sure was bright! Thanks Bri!!


Lily and I have been discussing service animals and things related to disabilities. She asked me about the wheelchair painted on certain parking spots, signs, etc. We talk about being considerate of others that may not have the abilities that we do and how everyone is different. She then saw an article in a magazine about a "helper monkey." (A veteran with no legs has a monkey that turns on/off lights and opens things for him). She thought it was so cool and I told her about service dogs. A few days later, while driving to school, we see a man walking down the street with a service dog. Lily was so excited and was able to clearly see what the dog's harness and handlebar looked like and how they worked. She then tells me, "Mama, if that man's eyes don't work, he should get some new ones, because I can see just fine!" So I start asking her where he can get new eyes (the eyeball store), and who will make them (some man), and just kept prodding her. She sits quietly for a few blocks and I swear I can hear the wheels turing in her head. She then says, "Mama, maybe when people die we should give their eyeballs to someone who can't see." I sit stunned and tell her that's a pretty great idea. Then she adds, "Maybe they can even fly the new eyeballs here on an airplane from Chicago." Did my 4 year old just discover organ donation? Can't wait to see what's next!