Our beautiful niece Sophia Elaine Siniawski was born on 10/25/10 at 3:46 pm. She is the most beautiful baby, like a little dolly. We all were positive that she was a boy and have called her baby Pizza for nine months. Jimmy and Molly are just in love and we are just so happy for them. It's crazy to see Jimmy as a Daddy. His giant monkey hands wrap all the way around her tiny head. But, again, it seems like she's always been with them. Grandma and Papp are smitten with her too, but, no one is happier than Lily. She talks about baby Sophia (her first REAL cousin) all the time. "she is just the most perfect cousin in the world." A lot of....um.....interesting questions and discoveries have come along with her love for Sophia. :) Can't wait to meet her and snuggle her up!!
Love you guys!
My favorite pictures, so far.

This does not look like a newborn baby! Such an old soul!