We needed milk one day last week and decided to ride our bikes to the store to get it. On the way home, Lily insisted we stop at the "dolphins." The is an area on campus dedicated to the Native American tribe of this area, the Tongva. It's a really cool memorial on the bluff, overlooking the ocean. I'm so glad we stopped. The kids just ran around exploring and saying goodnight to the sun. I love when we have the freedom to just let the kids lead us and the time to let them explore. We need to make it happen more often.
This is just goofy Ben. He has trashed Lily's baby stroller by getting in it, loading it up with so much stuff, trucks, animals, books, etc. and by biting the handle until most of the foam is missing. He looks great in that hat though.

This shirt was a gift from Papa Mustache. It just cracks us up. Papa M. wears shirts like this all the time, so we always say that Ben's going to work or fix something in it. He's getting picky about what he wears, mostly truck shirts, but if he sees this shirt, it must go on, no matter the state of it or the temperature outside.
Lily loves to take pictures. She asks you to take pictures of her or something she made and then show her. She also is a fan of the "taking pictures of ourselves" thing. See Brett, we're not alone!!! It must be hereditary. (Brett and I always take picture of ourselves when we're together. Usually, my face looks huge, which is gross.)
This is right before the bike ride: